
Showing posts with label codecanyon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label codecanyon. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Plugin YouTube Videos for WordPress

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This Premium YouTube Plugin for WordPress enables you to integrate different YouTube feeds into your blog. You can integrate YouTube channels, featured YouTube videos (Most Popular videos, Most View videos etc…), videos from playlists (New), videos from search results and also videos from default Categories (Music, Autos, News etc)
It also integrates several customizable widgets and shortcodes, and works with the very nice Fancybox to display video previews from the home page or widgets section.
And if you ever dreamed to have a fully featured YouTube search into your own blog, you have it ! You visitors have a way to search among millions of YouTube videos.


- Display videos from any YouTube channel.
- Display videos from any YouTube playlist.
- Display videos from a search result (you define your own keywords)
- Display videos from any default YouTube category (the list of all categories is given in the documentation)
- Display featured YouTube videos and apply a time filter (full filters to use given in the plugin documentation)
- Support shortcuts to integrate videos with only one line !
- Display the videos list on a wall style (Facebook style).
- Automatic videos preview from the posts list.
- No API key required (but you can set yours if you wish to)
- No need to touch any PHP file.
- Support pagination in video lists.
- Integrate a YouTube search to any of your posts or pages.
- 5 different types of widgets to display any supported video feed
- Support multiple instances of the same widget (infinite possibilities) - Integrate smoothly with Fancybox to play the videos from the widgets
- Choose how many videos you want to display in your widgets and lists !
- Customize your embed player size from the plugin settings, and the autoplay option.


- The Permalinks need to be enabled on your blog settings

Some examples

Integrating a videos from a given YouTube channel 
[youtube_wpress username="scobleizer"]

Integrate videos from a given playlist 
[youtube_wpress playlist="PLF7CDF46BCA15D8BF"]

Integrate videos from a search results
[youtube_wpress search="1" search_filters="1" q="Apple"]

Integrate featured videos 
[youtube_wpress featured="1" feed="top_favorites" time="all_time" nb_display="10"]

Display videos coming from the Music category 
[youtube_wpress category="Music"]


Plugin Arena Mobile Specs WordPress

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Arena Mobile Specs – WordPress Plugin

Create Your own mobile database website just in a few Clicks by using our feature rich Arena Mobile Specs – WordPress Plugin.
Best fit with 960 and 1200 pixels with option to enable/disable responsive layout, 9 pre defined color schemes (skins) or select your own colors by using color picker, advanced users can completely customize the output, clean, commented and easy to understand code, also demo data is included for testing and learning purpose.
Note: This is a WordPress plugin not a theme, you may need to modify plugin’s default styles to match with your theme.

Compare upto 3 Phones

Arena Mobile Specs – WordPress Plugin has built-in phone comparison feature, so your visitors can compare upto 3 devices.

Custom Comparisons

Now you can add your custom comparisons (posts) to show phones comparisons to your visitors.

Custom Tabs Management System

Now you can add your custom tabs to display information, contents to your visitors, re-order tabs by using drag and drop interface.

Amazon Affiliates Products Advertising API

You can add unlimited affiliate offers from amazon websites by using Amazon Products Advertising API
Arena Mobile Specs – WordPress Plugin has built-in Ajax Live Search Widget, enter a minimum 2 characters in search bar and get instant results.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

PHP Scripts Fufu Viral media gag free

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Fufu provide you a quick and easy way to create an viral media site (with brief-popular named “gag site”). It was built with lots of features that you need for a premium viral media website and lots more are waiting for upgrade. Your website’s visitor are allow to post gag as video type (more than 20 sites available for embed), image type, gif or vine.


Select of three layers below (Grid layer, scroll and timeline)


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Plugin Easy Translation Manager for WordPress

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Easy Translation Manager for WordPress version 4.0 main feature overview

Translate WordPress Themes and Plugins with Easy Translation Manager

Would you like to have multiple languages on your WordPress website? Have you already tried some of the other translation plugins available, but found them too complicated? We have tried to make it really easy for you to manage your multi-language WordPress powered website.

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps!

WordPress 4.0 has been translated into more than 40 languages and many Theme and Plugin developers have already localized their Themes and Plugins. However managing a multi-language WordPress website can often be a quite complicated task. We often see that parts of Plugins or Themes have not been translated or a specific plugin is not available in the language you need. We have simplified things, when it comes to translating your content as well as Plugins and Themes.

Follow these 3 Easy Steps to Get Started.

  1. Select the Options menu and under General Settings you activate the languages you want to translate your website into.
  2. Select the Design and Layout in the Options menu and choose how you want your visitors to be able to select their preferred language.
  3. Translate WordPress by choosing either Add-on Translation, Plugin Translation, Theme Translation, Page Translation, Post Translation, Menu Translation or Import/Export .po.

Some of the features

Test language on IP

In the Options Panel under General Settings you can enter one or more IP addresses, which will be able to view the translations. Under Languages you can then set which languages this is applicable for. This is a helpful feature if you wish to test a specific language translation before releasing it.

Manage availability of Items

You can easily choose which Plugins, Themes, Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types and Menus that will be made available for translation.

Support for Custom Capabilities

We have added 13 Custom Capabilities to the plugin, which makes it really easy for you to specify exactly what your different user roles have access to.

Translate Wordpress Plugins & Themes

Easy Translation Manager automatically scans your plugins and themes folder in order to find strings (textdomains) ready for translation. If you see any rows marked with red this indicates that the text does not have a text domain, and will require manual action in order to be ready for translation. If you have other strings that need translation you can also add them manually.

Support for SEO in multiple languages

Instead of building our own SEO system from scratch for Easy Translation Manager we decided to support WordPress SEO by Yoast. This is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for users. It incorporates everything from a snippet preview and page analysis functionality that helps you optimize your pages content, images titles, meta descriptions and more to XML sitemaps, and loads of optimization options in between.
You need to install WordPress SEO by Yoast and then activate support for this plugin in the Options Panel. After installing the WordPress SEO plugin and activating support for this you will get a SEO button in each translation window. When you click this you will be able to add SEO information for each translation.
You can add SEO specific information for all Posts and Pages like: Focus Keywords, SEO Title and Meta Description. Easy Translation Manager will also automatically include all the language specific links in the sitemaps generated by the WordPress SEO. This will make optimization for each language much easier!
Take a peek on how Easy Translation Manager looks live and try for your self how easy it is to translate Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types, Post Tags, Post Categories and even Plugins and Themes. Simply use the following details to login.
Username: DemoUser Password: TryMeNow
You can also try and login as the user below if you want to see how it looks when all the ETM custom capabilities are added except the one for the Options Panel. This way the external translator can do translations, but can’t mess up anything. All other menus has been hidden to make the experience uncluttered.
Username: Translator Password: TryMeNow

List of features


  • Translate WordPress Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types
  • Translate WordPress Post Tags, Post Categories.
  • Translate WordPress Post Slug
  • Translate WordPress Post description
  • Translate WordPress Excerpt content for Posts, Custom Post Types and Pages.
  • Translate WordPress Custom Fields
  • Translate WordPress Permalinks
  • Translate WordPress Taxonomies
  • Translate WordPress Menus and Title attribute in menus and custom URL’s in menus
  • Translate WordPress Plugins
  • Translate WordPress Themes
  • Translate WordPress Add-ons
  • Translate WordPress Attachment Images (replace image with translated version in for each language)
  • Translate WordPress ALT text for featured image
  • New: Support for translating serialized data arrays. Multiple top-selling themes on Themeforest use their own builders, which stores the information as serialized data in the custom fields. Compatible with Themify Builder.
  • New: Support for translating the following variables from the WordPress Codex: translate||_e|_n|_x|_ex|_nx|esc_attr|esc_attr_e|esc_attr_x|esc_html|esc_html_e|esc_html_x|_n_noop|_nx_noop
  • New: Site Translations provides translation for native WordPress features like: Admin Email, Blog Description, Blog Name, Date Format, Start of Week, Time Format. This allow for individual “settings” for each language
  • New: Drag and Drop language (flag) order for widgets
  • New: Retina Ready SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) flags for selecting language
  • New: Language selection types: Bouncing List, Box Slide, Rotating Bars, Fluid Grid, Responsive Circle
  • New: Support for using Multiple Domain Names. Enter a domain name for each enabled language or simply use the default
  • Support for import and export of .po files
  • Support for RTL (Right-to-Left) in wp-admin when changing language
  • Support for language based search (it is possible to search in the language the user have selected)
  • Enable feature that makes a flag (language) inactive if the content has not been translated.
  • Enable hide elements that has not been translated (Pages, Posts, Tags, Categories, Menus)
  • Test translations before launch (IP address restricted)
  • Set availability of items for translation (very useful if using external translators)
  • Hide Author of themes and plugins (very useful if you are using this for a client or using external translator)
  • 13 Custom Capabilities
  • Insert tag for choosing language directly in your theme
  • Insert Widget in Sidebar
  • Insert Widget for choosing language directly in Pages or Posts
  • 4 different sizes of flags to choose from
  • Support for Export and Import of translations
  • Support for multiple languages in wp-admin (easy upload language .mo files)
  • Dashbord Metabox with flags for easy selecting language for wp-admin.
  • Support for WordPress Multisite installation.
  • Support for WordPress SEO by Yoast (If you have this plugin installed ETM will support SEO for each language you translate)
  • Support for Custom Widget Areas add-on for Easy Translation Manager (assign Custom Widget Areas to a specific language).

Demo & source